Is the threat of malaria increasing?

Climate change, insecticide resistance, upticks in urban mosquitoes: Could malaria be getting worse? Our expert explains why investing in innovations that stop mosquito borne-diseases is more important than ever.
Bismark Owusu, a worker of Anglogold Ashanti Malaria Ltd, covers furniture before spraying the walls of a house with insecticide against mosquitos in Adansi Domeabra, Ghana, in May 2018.  Insecticide resistance has become a huge problem, threatening an uptick in malaria cases in both rural and urban areas.
Bismark Owusu covers furniture before spraying the walls of a house with insecticide in Adansi Domeabra, Ghana, in May 2018. Insecticide resistance has become a barrier to eradicating malaria. Photo by Cristina Aldehuela/AFP via Getty Images

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