Development finance reform needs to address the greatest challenges of our era

Gargee Ghosh poses for a photograph with a shopkeeper after using her digital payment system in Mumbai, India in March 2023.
©Gates Archive/Mansi Midha

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Souadou Fall, co-founder of E-cover, in the E-cover factory in Dakar, Senegal. Souadou created 100 jobs after getting a loan to expand her business.

Want to grow your economy? Focus on women.

Two recent graduates in Senegal had a great idea for a business. Because they were women, banks and investors kept saying “no.”
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A community health worker monitors a boy’s nutritional intake with the help of his mother in Rumyongza, Rwanda. The initiative, supported by the Global Fund through the Rwandan Ministry of Health, aims to monitor and bring awareness about malnutrition, malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS in communities across the country.

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Children covered under ICDDR,B's Malnutrition-Enteric Disease (Mal-ED) Study receive food supplements while their mothers receive nutrition information from Field Research Assistant, Parveen Sultana Mita (with picture cards), at a Community Nutrition Centre in the Mirpur locality.

Nutrition as an engine for economic recovery

Improving nutrition has the potential to radically accelerate progress across the SDG global goals. This week’s Nutrition for Growth summit addresses the power of nutrition to improve lives all over the world.
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