Grant applicant FAQ

We are continuously improving our process for making and managing grants and other investments. Our goal is to increase impact and provide more time to innovate and build strong relationships with you, our partners, to ultimately achieve results for the people we serve, together.

We do not make grants outside our funding priorities. In general, we directly invite proposals by directly contacting organizations. We do occasionally award grants through published Requests for Proposals (RFPs). View a list of current RFPs.
We do not make grants outside our funding priorities.
In general and except in specific circumstances as noted on certain grant applications, the foundation is unable to make grants directly to individuals.
The foundation makes grants to organizations directly rather than through individual fundraising activities; therefore, we are unable to fund your effort.
It varies depending on the complexity of the investment. We anticipate that while more time may be spent upfront to align on investment results and the approach to measurement and reporting, we anticipate that less time will be required on late stage requests, analysis, and rework.

The typical set of documents includes an investment document (including a proposal narrative), a budget, and sometimes a results framework and tracker. 

Once a grant is approved, the grantee will typically rely on the investment document progress narrative section, and grant budget to report formally on progress, challenges, and financial status.