Despite recovery efforts, women’s unemployment continues to grow

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Women's Economic Power

Women’s Economic Power

Most economic empowerment programs focus on getting cash into women’s hands. However, we must go beyond empowerment programs and build economic systems that work for women.

With the economic recovery failing women, now is the time to act on gender equality

The COVID-19 pandemic has largely affected women more than men. To build a strong economic recovery, data shows we must advance progress toward gender equality.
By Melinda French Gates Former Co-chair, Board Member, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Health care worker supports routine immunization efforts in Damatru, Nigeria

Time to go big: Promoting an equitable economic recovery

Without the right investments in pandemic recovery, developing countries could lose a generation’s worth of progress in economic development.
By Gargee Ghosh President, Global Policy & Advocacy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation