Women’s Economic Power

Greater Than the Sum

Featuring the stories of five passionate women from around the world, this series brings you along their journey of breaking the status quo while also opening doors for other women to claim their own economic power.

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When a woman has economic power, she lifts up not just herself, but her whole community.
Dr. Stellah Bosire
Doctor and Lawyer

When the odds were against her, Dr. Stellah Bosire overcame every barrier imaginable. Today, she pays it forward to her community in Kibera, Kenya to ensure that women have access to the health care they need, while forging paths for women entrepreneurs along the way.

Expanding women’s access to capital

Directing resources towards women’s economic power and health lays the foundation for long-term resilience, inclusive growth, and improved well-being for individuals and communities worldwide.

Promoting women’s financial inclusion by closing the gender financing gap could add US$1.1 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

Learn more

Supporting Women’s Economic Power

A community health volunteer, Mesaid, conducts meets with an expectant mother, Chizi, in Mariakani, Kenya.
Estimated GDP increase by adding more women to the workforce

(2022, Closing the Gender Gap in the Workforce, Council on Foreign Relations)
Possible jobs generated by investing in universal child care and long-term services 

(2022, Care at work, ILO) 
Investment from our foundation in 2016 to help fill some of these critical gender data gaps

The foundation is dedicated to removing barriers for women and girls by supporting programs that increase opportunities for communities to grow and thrive.

Discover foundation grants supporting this work

More on Women’s Economic Power

Women’s ambitions for economic power

Survey collectors asked 200,000 women in Kenya and Nigeria to share their economic desires for themselves, their family, and their future. Here’s what we learned, and what’s standing in their way.

What is Women’s Economic Power?

Veronica Auma and her son, Terrel, at their house in Busia County, Kenya. Veronica spoke to the Gates Foundation on how affordable and high-quality child care impacted her ability to pursue economic opportunities.

Q&A: How strengthening the care economy can boost women’s workforce participation

A specialist in gender data and evidence explains how challenges and opportunities on the path to creating a more equitable care system could increase women’s participation in the global workforce.
By Radu Ban Senior Program Officer, Gender Data and Evidence, Gates Foundation
A community health volunteer, Mesaid, conducts meets with an expectant mother, Chizi, in Mariakani, Kenya.

Melinda French Gates on how leaders can boost women’s economic power

The case for doing so has never been stronger, argues the philanthropist.
By Melinda French Gates Co-chair (2000-2024), Gates Foundation
Nakanyike Annet waits with her baby Natasha Kwagala, 3 months, for immunizations at the Nakaseke General Hospital in Nakaseke District, Uganda, on September 8, 2023.

Global Alliance for Women’s Health

It’s proven: Closing the women’s health gap will allow more women to live healthier, higher-quality lives and boost the global economy by US$1 trillion—every year. Learn more from the Global Alliance for Women’s Health to reshape the future of women’s health.

Meet the Global Alliance for Women’s Health