Day Zero: Inside Nigeria’s response to the 2016 polio outbreak

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Hut in Africa

Too expensive, too slow, too discriminatory, and other myths about the polio eradication program

Too expensive, too slow, too discriminatory, and other myths about the polio eradication program
Jay Wenger Director, Polio, Gates Foundation
Three children running in desert

Keeping vaccination goals close, no matter how afar

New data released on July 16 showed that 9 in 10 infants worldwide received at least one dose of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccines in 2017, illustrating the progress and challenges in achieving global immunization coverage. Dr. Orin Levine discusses his personal journey discovering the real value of vaccines and how the Gates Foundation is thinking about tricky issues such as equity and vaccine hesitancy.
Ryan Bell Feature Writer, Gates Foundation